Sunday, October 25, 2009
Exclamation point to first sem.
To start of the issue is the UAAP 72nd Cheer dance competition. It was very tragic to spectators like me. I was anticipating that UST Salinggawi dance troupe will bag the championship pompoms or maybe if not…a runner up, I suppose. UST did a great job to amuse the audience with dreadfully inimitable stunts, though they did it with a little filth. So, my next option is UP Pep Squad since their routines were clean nonetheless simple. Surprisingly, the result was kinda altered. Don’t wanna remember it, anyway. Part of the UAAP is basketball, imagine how NU beat La Salle during their flight to final four. It was like a shocking diversity. The bulldogs were the keys of the tigers to open heaven’s gate and miraculously enter the final four. Big thanks to NU! Subsequently, as a result to that manifestation, king tiger Dylan Ababou played his last UAAP year was held the Season’s MVP and the recipient of the Jollibee Champ of the season cookie. Credits for his hard works and leadership skills! Jeric Teng, son of Alvin “Robocop” Teng was also awarded as this season’s Rookie of the year, he was splendid and played like a veteran. Congrats to them, they do deserve it.
It was this sem that I appreciated volleyball, though I was a volleyball player on my high school days since I couldn’t play my forte when intramurals come. It’s a rule that when you’re a basketball varsity, you can’t play basketball for your section. Going back, BVT Boys were impressive; it happened to start with a “framed-up” interview for our socio-com report, “how media structures the society thru sports”. After our reporting, as a token of appreciation, we treated them at KFC carpark; then we came to watch their game against UE at UE’s home court, it was a championship game. Unfortunately, they lost. Dumb referees!
Our little baby just turned 2! Ameerah is very diligent girl and we are so lucky to have her as a blessing and part of our family :)
Lets talk about UAAP once more, Ateneo and FEU get hold of the twice to beat advantage. Ateneo ranked first then followed by the Tams. FEU battled out against UE to compete for the waiting team (Ateneo) for a race to three championship match. Everyone was assuming that FEU will grab the spot, but providence isn’t the issue. Luck was on the red side that prevail them, not once but twice to secure the last seat onto the finals. It’s the absence of Barroca that pulled the tams out of their rhythm due to the jarring issue of game fixing. Warriors maybe unstoppable; But I say… that only a blue heart and an eagle spirit makes a true champion. Back to back winning championship streak for the Ateneo Blue Eagles! Hard work, discipline and perseverance really paid off. Congratulations! They did defend the crown! Jai and Rabeh bids farewell as they stepped out of the UAAP hard court limelight.
Who could forget the calamities took over the island. Ondoy and Pepeng plus Ramil downpour heavy raindrops that almost submerged some parts of the archipelago, Manila was in deep tragedy, mainly Pasig, Pangasinan and Baguio. Due to the typhoons, classes were suspended one week. Thank God that my family weren’t affected at all. After this catastrophic event that happened, I know that Filipinos did learned a lot. From bayanihan to individual realizations and paradigm that we should keep out and not to look after the material things here on earth because with just one glimpse it can all be washed out. Notice how great our God is!
Thus, a charity game was produced by Samahang Basketbolista ng Pilipinas for the benefit of the victims of the typhoon Ondoy. I was so happy, I saw Chris Tiu played basketball again. Smart Gilas vs Powerade. Gilas won by almost 20 points.
My miserable days isn’t over yet! Changed my mobile number, it wasn’t my fault! For some sort of reason…How I hated to switch contact number…
PBA 35TH All Filipino Cup opened last October 11, Smart Gilas was a guest team. Their first game was up against Burger king…that day was a heart-rending one. The fact that Tiu was on court, players were too physical in terms of their offense and deffense. Even a fan on the court side got attacked and hit by a burger king player (Arboleda). He’s a pro, so he should act like one! Wrong move for him! He got suspended the whole season and will not receive a salary.
I didn’t even know that night was my Spanish final exam…good thing that I came to school just on the nick of time. LRT find ways.
I also wanted to share...that this sem maybe a too tiring one for me but I did enjoy every experiences, sacrifices and hardworks especially doing every activities with my friends. Karla, Mari and Ian thank you for making this sem a remarkable one. I just hope that we could treasure our lasting friendship lifetime. Maybe we have faults and misunderstandings but I know that we can stand out through all of it.
Go Divas :)
That’s all I could have off path. Memory loosen up fast!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I woke up early 3am but sleep in the sofa again for 30 minutes. I took a bath 4am and fix my things after i dressed up and left the house around 5:30am.
Call time is at 6am as to my bad habit and not "so" usual thing that happened i arrived at exactly 6:47am that made me realized what delay did i cause!!! I was the only student they're waiting for their departure. The time i stepped in the bus, we left 6:48am. I'm feeling really sorry for what happened, and I promise, I'll try not to do that again, or else I'll be left behind!

Stop over at Lapaz gasoline station for nature calling, 8:39am. I haven't ate anything since the time I woke up. So, I decided to go down the bus and buy something (Kirei, junk-food). Long trip means long sleep....... so cold in the bus! GRABE!
Arrived Nueva Ecija at 10:48pm
Epesa Elementary School.......
I was overwhelmed looking at those simples smiles welcoming us with drum and lyre accompaniment. Then, the speeches of both parties, after the rights and ceremony...we didn't waste time and start to partake responsibilities. Our group was disbanded because we're too many. I was in-charge to teach a grade 5 student. I met John Carlo, he's a quiet type of kid who's very obedient and shy. He's easy to get along with cause he knows how to answer me. We finish our paper works fast but smooth, so we can go out and play and take pictures with everyone :)
I got a chance to give him something, ice cream! john is very happy with an ice cream... After the bonding moments, John was lost out of my sight then found him at my side holding a letter, expressing his appreciation and thanking me for buying him an ice cream... i was very touched! that almost made me cry! I hugged him tight and Sir revil accused me of child abuse..haha! Pasalubong pipino- a form of their pasasalamat to us!

Time to go back to Manila 1:48pm
Movie time again... we watched A walk to remember, walang kamatayang One More Chance and i forgot the title of the last film. Stop over at Mega-Caltex, I bought Jollibee Spaghetti..hehe... then road trip again...Good thing, sir revil opened the t.v. and watch UAAP!!!!that i was waiting for! exit NLEX 4:25pm
Arrived at UST around 6pm.
A very tiring trip but fun and touchy.
Til'next trip... :)
The most important thing that I've learned during my trip to Epesa Elementary school, Nueva Ecija is to
thank God for all the blessings he have showered upon me. I should appreciate every single even little things
that God is giving me. Iám very blessed and lucky in my life that I must be contentented for me to be happy
because my student John Carlo showed me how to appreciate things that came in my way bad or good...
for all we know God knows best and theres a reason for evrything.
I now have a better view of how valuable education is, because its our key for our future and that's the only
thing we can treasure for a lifetime that no one or nobody could get from ourselves.
I appreciate all my groupmates and LTS mates since at first they patiently waited for me. IM VERY SORRY. Promise,
I'll try not be late anymore. For those who gave me food cause I have no baon.
We must extend a helping hand to anyone who needed it, without asking any in return.
I'll study harder and won't waste anything for something that's not needed, because I realized the difference
of the phrase Ï wanted to Ï needed". Think twice!
In this trip there are alot of moments to cherish, that I hope could last and follow onto next sem. :)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
An Overdue entry
One factor about this overdue entry is my virus-habited laptop. I just got my laptop from acer service center that cost me 1,500 pesos!!! Damn, I lost all my files!!! I couldn’t recover any of it. Good thing I have my USB on my side, quite a relief.
The weather wasn’t fine here in the p.i. it was irrepressible, it changes fast from humid to warm then it will later on rain hard without heaven giving any inkling suspicion in the sky.
Watching basketball games especially UAAP live or telecast, lightens up load to my sadden atmosphere. Were you informed that former Pres. Cory Aquino died this month of August? Sure everybody knew about it. She was popular being the mother of democracy and her favorite color is yellow! Hehe
By the way, prelim week is over and exams were given back…results went well. I passed all my subjects. Haha. Cheers for that!
There’s a lot of many comings and goings that I definitely missed out writing here. This site was supposedly my online diary. Right??? I just wish that I could remember and note down all of them.
Ok, I’ll stop. Till next entry! So Long…. then lets talk about Hoops!!!! haha
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Powerhouse Production
its not that, they dont get chance to know me haha. maybe because when im with them im quiet and didn't speak much.
Though, I wanted to thank them for letting me be a part of this production. They were superb, i can say. some of them have lots of experiences working on and off cam.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
this is going to be a late reply about "a very special gift to my 24th"...i dont know why it strucked me. i was hit when chris wrote this: "I honestly thought that once my stint with the Blue Eagles is done, you'd be all gone as well! Kidding!" then there i was reminiscing his basketball career....How I miss Chris playig hoops!
Does Chris Tiu still need something?! i doubt!
Lets just support him all the way!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
which is which: he or he? (AN EXCERPT)
Call it a mental dysfunction or better yet, if you’re the "idiom" type, hitting two birds with one stone. Not that I have suddenly turned into a runny nosed, perpetual cadaver killed by hopeless romance, who has a vague admiration towards two men. The operative word here is obviously, “two”. But insane as I may be, contrary to perception, I think I am at this sane point in my life wherein I actually know what I want. If that doesn’t sound clear, consider it part of this muddled, routinely futile situation I put myself in every time.
The great thing about these two guys is how opposite they seem to be – literally and figuratively. Polar opposites if I may add. Put them side by side and you have a dazzling display of contrasts – their facial nuances, aura, propensities, smile, and look. One thing similar between them though which I gravitate towards is how seemingly dislocated they are in their world – in more pedestrian terms: may sariling mundo. I don’t know which hormone to blame na.
Guy number one is someone I really had no idea I would’ve liked. I’ve known him for quite a while yet I never really took notice of him since I always adhered to the principle or idea, “classmates are off limits/classmates are like siblings”. Now, I totally ditched those ideals. So much for loyalty. Essentially, what this guy does to me is different than most other guys I’ve been unfortunate enough to only grasp at a distance. He’s definitely not hot. He’s not handsome. He’s not a dashing prince. Physically speaking, he’s not someone I’d ever hit on based on “high school standards”. But obviously, I’ve finally taken notice of him and his smile – the sweet outstretch of his mouth, the come-hitherness that follows and the subsequent transformation of M the gay guy to M the milquetoast. He’s candid and camp – in a good way. He’s very self-assured and unafraid to poke fun at himself. He’s confident definitely, a man with a vague ambition and self-deprecating humor. He’s strangely confusing. It’s precisely because he’s everything I would never like in a guy, that I like him, exposing a sort of reverse psychology applying to me. And it’s this abrupt gear shifting in guy standards which suddenly turns me into a wondering philosopher, creating existential questions, either directed to him or to me or both. He makes me question what I really look for in a person and reevaluate my place in the universe - OA.
So now a shift in paradigm is needed in order to appreciate the full content of this blog – moving away from the M the Head Bitch in Charge, to M the unfocused lamb.
This though, in the light I’ve resigned myself partially to being single for a surprising period of my life. So yeah, that’s mostly how it’s working.
Guy number two is someone I just had the opportunity to know. For some strange reason I actually think I’ve seen him before but who cares. I’ve always been off limits to guys with girlfriends as well not because they presented twice the futility. It’s just a thing okay, a non-fetish. No I am not Katrina Halili who finds men with girls challenging or tempting. I find men who are married more tempting. It’s me, Monica Lewinsky. Ha. But this case is an exception to the broken rule. Like I said, he’s the opposite of guy number one. He’s a lot more serious, self-effacing, and introspective of course. He’s more of my usual type – really boy-next-door-ish, with an incredibly sexy smile and funny idiosyncrasies. He’s got beautiful, full red lips, and an endearingly unexpected accent. There’s a cloud of mystery surrounding him all the time, questions raised regarding religious beliefs, firm assertions and deliberations on whether he is cute or hot or plain both. There’s sensuality in him I haven’t seen yet in any guy from AB, a ravishing grin that melts my heart into puddles of glitter, a wicked, even lonely stare which resembles the old faith we once had on pagan gods. He’s really gwapo in the traditional sense, a bit maangas but still able to come off humble.
Guy Number 1 is a Koala. Guy Number 2 is a Snake. Guy #1 is the song "Melt Away", while Guy #2 is the song, "When I Saw You". They have different religions I think.
That’s basically it. No I’m not torn between to lovers even though for several years I’ve wished to be in that awkward position in my life. It’s a questionable wish I know but one that’s been closely realized (even if it’s not exactly between two lovers) by this magnetic and dynamic event called university life and love.
Crushes are truly non-threatening, lightweight matters of the heart. But given the choice, I’d prefer a life over a lovelife. Seriously
love you MARI. aka JOMA...bwahahaha
UAAP SEASON 72 : "one color, one goal"

I would also like to acknowledge the fact that i'm pretty happy that there are still 2 of my crushes and a friend of mine are still playing in the UAAP. I always root for them, since i know how good they play and i would like all of them to succeed and have a good season. So to Ryan Buenafe, Nico Salva and classmate Dylan Ababou...i wish you goodluck.. Especially to Dylan, who has this year left to play, be a captain and prove himself.
As for the teams this year, I think FEU is a really talented and scary team with all the tools of a championship team. Oh plus they've got Mark Barroca and Gilas team mates. DLSU is always going to be in the tough ocntender the crown, thanks to their great system, although it's sad to hear about LA Revilla missing this season. UE is also another team to watch especially with the emergence of Paul Lee and the improvement of Elmer Espiritu, Acuna and Lingganay, but the loss of James Martinez has definitely got to hurt them. As for Nu, UP, and Adamson, i am hoping all of them improve and win a lot of games cause it's always nice to see a very competitive league where all the teams are balanced and no one team is standing out. (Well, with the very exception of Ateneo i hope :)) Alas to UST who lost a lot of Key players like tiger power Jervy Cruz, Franciz Allera, Canlas and Cuan. Dylan Ababou certainly needs to improved, step-up his game and show-off his skills with consistency.
UAAP72 hosted by FEU, opened last July 11 saturday at the big dome. Adamson gave UST a very close fight, just a point behind. Mirza blows and kicked off 23 loud points. Ateneo boom and shake the side steps with a win against FEU.
So nice to feel again the season of cheering and energy arousing school spirit.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
It’s very appalling, horrifying, sickening for an irregular student like me to have such a dreadful suicidal overload schedule taking up 29 units in a sem. Waking up at 4:30am just to be at school exactly seven in the morning for my first class which is a one hour petition philo class every MWF, 7am to 8am I supposed. Then, waiting for the clock to strike twelve’ afternoon for my next boring class. Still, I had to attend 2 minor and 2 major classes. Staying 7 am up to 9 in the evening at the campus, I dare you! It really is a bad choice to opt it but they gave me no choice. I’m doomed!
Spending all day at school doesn’t mean that I could notch a student-honor-award, well, then maybe if there’s a will there’s a way…
focus + determination = key to success…hahahaha but HEY! Lets be realistic baby…it ain’t me. JUST Give me two years, I’ll be graduating soooooon I hope, that is, if my plans gonna work.
Classes at the Med building were suspended and No drinking fountain at UST reasonably due to A(H1N1) virus. So, I bought a tumbler, to quench my thirst. Sharing-
Money…I need money. I wanted to buy an iPod…upgrade it to an iPhone…haha. I’m kinda wishing for it, cuz’ I feel miserable riding a 2-hour jeepney “voyage” while hearing the sound of silence plus smoke belching all around me. What I need is music!!!. Can the government provide me one??? If yes, let me vote for Gloria!
BA5 marketing principle subject, I liked it. The first meeting made me befuddled and got my interest. Though, I looked at it in a different way with all the computations and numbers stuff. TV Prod with CA1 its sort of fun, knowing the basic of producing films and video, editing and handling a camera.
Met CA4, I felt at home in this section, probably because my bunch of best friends were there. The class was very active and approachable, compared to other section-batch.
Chances of being a regular student is 0.0000000000000000001 whoah that was so close to reality. I forgot to mention what happened to my school shoes, unfortunately it has come to an end and busted kaput. I needed to buy a pair; therefore I bought one, courtesy of my money given to me by my kind-hearted tita.
Perforating month of July by buying a Chalk Mag UAAP-NCAA edition. Start of UAAP season 72 fever banging the first game by a one-point win advantage of the tigers. Good start? That’s a NO! NO! haha. FEU is the host for today’s season. Ads and endorsement battered for the player’s exposure plus they get a chance to play for ABS-CBN’s Game ka na ba? Hosted by Edu Manzano. Its so funny seeing the players doing a different thing rather than hooping. I signed up for a school org just to try something new and re-activate my social life status. Costing me 130php, in exchange for a free Korean Meal and the meal was alive. Hahahaha long story. Talking about the org, it is a university wide org called the Radio Tomasino, where in we can get to organize events held by the students. Hey! The eagles won on their first season game against the tamarraws. Quite blessed for all-functional key players. Nico Salva was caliente aggressive and completely rocking the dance floor. I totally freaked out when I saw Ryan Buenafe, his moves were jaw dropping yet heart-pounding for me. Ateneo played as a team, all contributed. They almost make their beyond the arch percentage perfect. I saw chris tiu toooo. By the way, July 12, Sunday 8pm is the debut of Chris’ clear future league show…hope every one could catch it!
Apparently, I feel sleepy and impatiently waiting for D day. So long for now.
Friday, June 26, 2009
a dedicated player by heart and by deed
always ready to step up when his team's in need
you will be fierce when you see his moves and his speed
dunno why i just run when ever i saw him
but i cheer! when he shoots the ball inside the rim
this fella's known as mr. nice guy of the team
dangerous guard coz' he can steals ball for a win
when ball is outta bounce he's always there to save
a gusty court general who's mighty and brave
so, back off give way coz' he's surely a big wave
Lance Anthony Convento playing guard, my fave :)
-sorry, im bad at poetry..
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
at times of triumph, we yelled "victory!"
when the force is needed by the sea of blue
a man stood up, his name is CHRIS TIU
in all of our encounters ,we came on top
ours is a team nobody could stop
as the captain you lead us through
'cause you deserve, we gave you support in lieu
our greatest battle is when the archers came along
all of us were rattled, panic is prolong
when everyone gave up, had no glance at hope
the KING EAGLE was there, so with fear we could cope
when you look up the sky, you would notice him
there'll be brightness, it'll never be dim
it's not a bird, a plane or a simple human
OMG! it's the great TIUPERMAN!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
And for all those believers who keep on insisting just how superduper clutch Kobe is, according to Bill Simmons, a study from has kobe shooting 14/56 in game winning situations in the past 5 plus seasons including the playoffs. And to make things worse, he only has 1 assist and 5 turnovers in those situations. Yup, quadruple teamed the last game and had his shot stuffed by Hedo in the last play of regulation in Game 2, instead of passing it to the 3 other wide open men.Also, i find it so weird that everyone keeps on hyping up Kobe's leadership in this finals and how he constantly communicates to everyone at all times. I've heard Mark Jackson repeat it countless times already but it bothers me cause i don't see anything special in what he's doing. I mean, that is the role of the team captain or the team leaders, if he doesn't do that then he doesn't deserve to be called the captain or the leader. It's that simple. I'm pretty sure LBJ does that too, or Jason Kidd and Chauncey, and those other guys but all im hearing is that this Kobe is now like a super leader. I ain't buying that.The Magic just shot lights out today. Pietrus did a good job stepping up and so did Rafer Alston. Big time games from them.
By the way, i do think Pietrus follow up dunk should have been called basket interference and he got away with a double dribble on offense early in the first half. I mean, 3 referees, how could you miss that? As for Rafer, that's the way to play, taking what the defense gives u and creating shots, taking it to the hoop. ALthough he did have some clumsy passes too which had me scratching my head. Again i find it funny, as i predicted, everytime i trash Rafer he bounces back and delivers a performance that will just make me shut up.I still am not so sure about whether the Magic can win the next game but i sure hope they do so that we can have an interesting series. I held my breath towards the end of the game, watching how tentative the Magic had become in crunch time, until Rashard hits another dagger.
Well, the fact that Kobe got his usual share of superstar calls where he practically wasn't touched and gets to the line didn't help me either. But today, the ball didn't lie and he shot terrible from the line, shooting worse than Dwight! Haha so much for me making fun of LBJ's free throw shooting. I guess Kobe can have bad ones too. And for the Lakers, please please get Pau Gasol more than 11 shots. Please don't let Ariza take more than him. Gasol is unstoppable at the post. He has been schooling the defensive player of the year all series long, so please give it to the guy who shot 81 percent from the field a while ago!! The key for the Magic to win is to outplay the Lakers at the 1, 3 and 4 positions. I have a deadlock at the 5 spot with Dwight and Gasol (i'm considering him a 5, since Bynum has been n-onexistent), or even a slight advantage for the Lakers. For the shooting guard spot, there is no way the Magic can have an advantage over Kobe, but as long as Pietrus can some what contain him then it should be good enough. As for the 3 position, Hedo needs to outplay Ariza like he did a while ago (OH and btw, why isnt kobe guarding Hedo yet? The nine time all defensive team needs to be taking on the star player of the opposing team. COMe on Kobe!!). And Rashard has been outplaying Odom (although Odom was great in game 2). But the real key is the point guard play. Fisher is a savvy veteran who is a good role player, but he is the weakest link of the Lakers, and Rafe/Jameer need to outplay him always in order for the Magic to win.The Magic were one lay-up away from making Lakers fans shut up and having a commanding lead in the series. But that's not how the ball bounced and instead, they find themselves behind the Lakers but still very much in the series. For them to win the championship, they'd have to win their last 2 home games and steal one from the Lakers. Only 2 teams in NBA finals history have won three straight at home, the 06 Heat and the 04 pistons.
After watching the first quarter, i couldn't believe how great Kobe was, making all those tough shots, and it's just too bad he disappeared in the end of the game. And for all those believers who keep on insisting just how superduper clutch Kobe is, according to Bill Simmons, a study from has kobe shooting 14/56 in game winning situations in the past 5 plus seasons including the playoffs. And to make things worse, he only has 1 assist and 5 turnovers in those situations. Yup, quadruple teamed the last game and had his shot stuffed by Hedo in the last play of regulation in Game 2, instead of passing it to the 3 other wide open men.Also, i find it so weird that everyone keeps on hyping up Kobe's leadership in this finals and how he constantly communicates to everyone at all times. I've heard Mark Jackson repeat it countless times already but it bothers me cause i don't see anything special in what he's doing. I mean, that is the role of the team captain or the team leaders, if he doesn't do that then he doesn't deserve to be called the captain or the leader. It's that simple. I'm pretty sure LBJ does that too, or Jason Kidd and Chauncey, and those other guys but all im hearing is that this Kobe is now like a super leader. I ain't buying that.The Magic just shot lights out today. Pietrus did a good job stepping up and so did Rafer Alston. Big time games from them. By the way, i do think Pietrus follow up dunk should have been called basket interference and he got away with a double dribble on offense early in the first half. I mean, 3 referees, how could you miss that? As for Rafer, that's the way to play, taking what the defense gives u and creating shots, taking it to the hoop. ALthough he did have some clumsy passes too which had me scratching my head. Again i find it funny, as i predicted, everytime i trash Rafer he bounces back and delivers a performance that will just make me shut up.I still am not so sure about whether the Magic can win the next game but i sure hope they do so that we can have an interesting series. I held my breath towards the end of the game, watching how tentative the Magic had become in crunch time, until Rashard hits another dagger. Well, the fact that Kobe got his usual share of superstar calls where he practically wasn't touched and gets to the line didn't help me either. But today, the ball didn't lie and he shot terrible from the line, shooting worse than Dwight! Haha so much for me making fun of LBJ's free throw shooting. I guess Kobe can have bad ones too. And for the Lakers, please please get Pau Gasol more than 11 shots. Please don't let Ariza take more than him. Gasol is unstoppable at the post. He has been schooling the defensive player of the year all series long, so please give it to the guy who shot 81 percent from the field a while ago!! The key for the Magic to win is to outplay the Lakers at the 1, 3 and 4 positions. I have a deadlock at the 5 spot with Dwight and Gasol (i'm considering him a 5, since Bynum has been n-onexistent), or even a slight advantage for the Lakers. For the shooting guard spot, there is no way the Magic can have an advantage over Kobe, but as long as Pietrus can some what contain him then it should be good enough. As for the 3 position, Hedo needs to outplay Ariza like he did a while ago (OH and btw, why isnt kobe guarding Hedo yet? The nine time all defensive team needs to be taking on the star player of the opposing team. COMe on Kobe!!). And Rashard has been outplaying Odom (although Odom was great in game 2). But the real key is the point guard play. Fisher is a savvy veteran who is a good role player, but he is the weakest link of the Lakers, and Rafe/Jameer need to outplay him always in order for the Magic to win.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Welcome June!
Its been 3 weeks since PBL season ends and had a blog entry about the licealiz-pharex doesn’t went well, and PBL closed for a very usual championship game having oracle,yes,harbour winning the unity cup. That sucks~
Anyway, V had an award being one of the second mythical team and the gentleman awardee goes to Dylan Ababou. Does that counts? hmmmm
June is full of hassle pressure…reason for it? Enrollment! And the curse for irregular students like me…fixing up my schedule is way getting in my nerves and OH! Add the rainy days. Floor is slippery when wet~ remember that!
I wrote this blog entry because… Im definitely missing everything!!!! The heck-
First, I lost my planner! OoOk, I need to look for a new ‘like that’ and bingo! I found ‘like that’ and bought one at papemelroti gateway. I just wonder, what happened to the planner I lost. Who had that? And Where the hell izzzzzzit.
Cielo really miss playing hoops…well, timezone helps me to recuperate.haha
Then the NBA semis to finals – Go Cavs! Go Lakers! Even though Lebron didn’t make it, surely Kobe will!!!
C of my life.,where are you? After landing here at manila from vegas,. I still don’t know where you are and I haven’t see you BIG TIME…the last thing I know about you is that you’re goin to have a new show at Solar sports. Fine, we’ll see that! keeps me waiting…
Lucky seven…how are you? :) …too bad, I couldn’t see ya for three months I think. See you soon, somewhere at August. The D day!
Bye PBL and hello UAAP! Please let the tigers bag the UAAP crown…it’s the last year of their captain…have mercy…
Calamities happen when june begins, but this one is different. H1N1 Influenza Virus known as the swine flu attacks manila and bows the archer’s territory. We should be attentive and keep ourselves clean all the time, so the virus will leave our body. Make ‘washing your hands’ a habit.
June 15 will bring me back to reality. Ciao!
Storms coming….
Thursday, May 21, 2009
This week had been harsh for licealiz team. PBL Unity Cup semi-finals passed and slip through their hands. A sad ending for some of the players who will proceed to the next level, Jervy Cruz is one of them who will take his final bow on the PBL Stage. I have witnessed their semis games against Pharex who they have beaten three times straight, 1st and 2nd elimination round meet and during the semis Game 1. That’s why I really don’t know what went wrong in their last three important games. Even though every game is intense and everyone in the court was feeling pressure, I found myself taking a deep breathe hoping that no one will get injured or get hurt.
Are they just missing their teammates Chris Tiu and JV?! Hmmmm. Naaaah!! Licealiz is a strong team, having one of the best court colonel Lance C and the silent assassin shooting guard Josh V, plus key players Dino Daa, Rommel Hugnatan, Jim Viray, Jeff Morial alas Tiger Power Jervy Cruz.
Guess this season is not meant for them.
Must’ not see these losing stuff as a failure but an experience to challenge each one of their ability and improve not only for the better but for the best.
Don’t wanna talk much about the semis play-offs, couldn’t help to feel depression and absolute melancholy. How much I hated the referees! The calls of the refs truly suck! It’s a fact you know- I have observed the bias calls in my own eyeballs. Wanted to bite referee#37!
1. GOD works in ways we cannot see.
2. It doesn’t matter if you’re the best; what’s important is you did your best
3. "Our greatest glory consists not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall."
gravity increasing couldn’t help myself from fallin
Having someone like him makes me wanna burst my heart.
Am I scared of you? Or am I scared to fall for you?
Please treat me bad…so it would be easy for me to hate you
First is accidental, second is inevitable, third is Fate
Why do I like you, You don’t even know me. BUT at least you know my existence.
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Relating to it, you basically have no idea how Mark and Karen raised this kiddo at Seattle who crossed his pathways with basketball up to where he is right now.
One of the antagonists he couldn’t forget on his own life thrilling novel is playing against the NBA 2008-2009 rookie of the year, Brandon Roy. Way back in his high school senior days, his team was a point behind with a few ticks left in the game clock. It was him who handed that last chance to beat Garfield High School, but the ball rattled out on the ring. No goal! And they ended up being the 7th placer in that tournament, supposedly 4th if they could have won that game. But, this silent type guy took that experience not as a misfortune instead sees it as one of the valuable and remarkable scenario in his life.
Coping up on the lost, he rejuvenated himself to aspire more and toil harder enhancing his playing skills. Starting up 2-points a year record, bloomed a 19-points per ballgame stat. Nipping the Athlete of the year award at Everett Community College where he studied for two years then shifted at Pacific Lutheran University where he got to compete for NCAA div III schools and finished a degree majoring History last May 2008. No wonder why this guy loves to read books ever since he was 9 or 10 year of age.
The two-time Olympian known in the swimmers world as ‘The Ilocano Shark’ Teofilo Yldefonso, who bagged a bronze medal during the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics – 200-meter breaststroke category, turned out to be his great grandfather. Unmindful from what kind of seed he sprung out of, not until his Filipino granny, Hermie Reyes Yldefonso, spills this scrap out of him before landing here in the Philippines. For some reasons ‘Y’ was changed to “I” that made him related to PBA player Danny Ildefonso.
As he turned the page to open another chapter in his life, fate diverts him to Manila last October 2008 to be one of the draftees that were turnover to Hapee.
This 6′4 left handed streak shooter playing the two and the three spots already has the PBL’s spotlight as he makes a double doubled performance to outwit Cobra, blasting off with 32-points breaking Paul Lee’s 27 on the previous cup. Invaded the 3rd period nailing 19 points on that 10 minutes, which was just a step away to patent the 20-points 'all-time record in a quarter' of Ren-Ren Ritualo (2002) and Jojo Tangkay (2004). No big deal!!! cuz’ he’s gettin’ even better every game! Evidence that he has a heart pumps the blood of a champion!
Knocking down bullets beyond the arc is indisputably his forte. Not only that, he can also aim high in the rim and show you astonishing moves. –good fit for the pros.
PBA grounds be ready!
Don’t take this man forgranted, cuz’ he definitely has triple threats to blow you up!!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Magnolia vs Licealiz Round2
Getting late is usual for us. haha
For it was raining really hard, and its kinda difficult for us to commute.
I, together with my sister arrived 5 minutes before half time. It took us more than a minute to look for vacant good seats. Then, we ended up sitting at the Light side, Magnolia side.
Second quarter was a close fight, I can say, for each team always tried to answer back every time the opponent sinks a basket. This is a doe-or-die game for the wizards since they ranked on the third spot with Cobra. (if im not mistaken)
At a stolen glimpse, I eyed on a bald man, harassing Marcy Arellano. Wtf! Is that lance??? How come??? still don’t know why he had done his haircut like that. Starring at him, feels like I was watching two balls rollin' the court. Hahaha JUST KIDDING! (I knew it, that’s the reason why you lost to magnolia that time)hahahaha!
End of first half, 31-30 in favor of the white shirts. I saw Josh had the interview for some court side updates.
Damn! I can’t cheer for licealiz since we’re sitting on the opponent’s area. 3rd quarter –game clock starts ticking. Until, I was in shocked while looking at the score board. 4th Quarter…Magnolia was 10 points beyond licealiz and kaboom! It was also raining inside San Juan Gym 3-point shots courtesy of Eder Saldua. After it, I didn’t know what happened; I barely couldn’t remember familiar situations that took place either. I just found out about the technical fouls, that the referees we’re sooo sooo veeerrryy generous to grant licealiz players, and because of it Magnolia won...
Enough of this game!
Their first meet was much better than this game, where it undergoes to overtime.
Any how, licealiz got in to semis weather they lost or won.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Jay Chou thanks judges for appreciating magic in music

A middle child of a five member family, living at Los Angeles, California didn’t think twice to track the foot steps of his destiny. Son of Romeo and Remy, who are both Filipino, rooted out from the province of Cavite spread his wings to fly for his dreams.
I really don't know much about this guy, but one thing is
Better watch out for this 6 ft tall man wearing jersey number 7 of Licealiz team formerly Hapee of the Lamoiyan franchise as he dribbles the orange ball and shoot it down the basket at will. Don’t be fooled by his cute childish face and charming smiles cuz’ his basketball playing experience and toughness in the battlefield will pull the trigger to beat off his opponent.
Inspired and influenced by his coach-father, this fresh grad from Cal-State University Fullerton who took up Kinesiology finally exposes his talent and skills in playing basketball. At the age of 24, he had received many achievements using his God-given talent. He got triple MVP awards, one in his senior year then a pair during off season tournaments he joined. Growing-up watching basketball, US NCAA and NBA particularly had absorbed the sport and engaged with it. Before the league, he became part of the LA Showtime Team together with neighbor-mentor Ryan Reyes and other pros like Chris Pacana advised him to play just as he did before making the big move here in the p.i.
And now embracing his future in the said career tried his luck here in Manila as he joined the PBL draft last October 2008 held at Pasig Ynares and was first round pick. Averaging 73% in his parameter shooting and playing on his defensive ends will certainly make him an asset of his team. His unselfish plays and great hustle moves are proofs of an excellent fearless court general, who can handle a full court press. Coming up with a fully determined goal to make it to the next level, his hard work, perseverance and dedication to the sport will be his keys to heaven's gate. Yeah! you're right! Knowing that he's very well qualified and ready to perform on the professional stage, he'll be joining the upcoming PBA draft...PBL family will definitely miss him. But the modesty of this baller shares that he really needs to improve his consistency in playing and being vocal, in addition to it, he wanted to exert more effort working on his speed and physical power. Exploding a 24-pt career high during his rookie year in the PBL last semis against hard to beat Harbor Center impressed PBL fanatics to recognize his ability and sense of playing. Nevertheless, he has a nice attitude off court.
Being independent and living an own life is quite not easy for anyone in their first time, well…except for this guy! Regardless of what he left in his hometown, he’s still buoyant and jovial grabbing all this kind of opportunity. He’s fond of eating Japanese foods, his all time favorite Filipino cooking is adobo. Puto, bibingka and halo-halo are his top Pinoy desserts. Looking at it, adopting the Filipino culture is not that difficult for him. After practice and games, he plays video games and eats out with a companion, Josh Vanlandingham, his teammate-roommate. This will surely be a fun, exciting life and a banging career awaiting him.
With the absence of co-guard teammates JV Casio and Chris Tiu for RP training abroad creates a calling for him to step on the gas and make a name for himself.
You might be amazed when you see this fella in action burning with a hell of hotta energy…beware!
Hang-on to your seat...Star-in-the-making,