Nothing more to say when it’s Chris Tiu himself who offers you and ask if he could play some songs for you while having Lunch #caninowdieatinstant What is more when the songs he’s playing are Jay Chou’s! #canisayimspecialORsuperlucky??? LOL.
J 說了再見 (Said Goodbye) (shuo le zai jian)
J 超人不會飛 (Superman Can't Fly) (chao ren bu hui fei)
J 給我一首歌的時間 (Give Me The Time For One Song) (gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian)
J 稻香 (Fragrance Of Rice) (dao xiang)
J 說好的幸福呢 (Where's The Promised Happiness) (shuo hao de xing fu ne) + 青花瓷 (Chinese Flower Pot) (qing hua ci)
J 陽光宅男 (Sunshine Homeboy) (yang guang zhai nan)
J 最長的電影 (The Longest Movie) (zui chang de dian ying)
J 蒲公英的約定 (Dandelion's Promise) (pu gong ying de yue ding)
J Step Back (退後) (tui hou)
J East Wind Breaks (東風破) (dong feng po)
J Tornado (龍捲風) (long juan feng)
J Silence (安靜) (an jing)
J Simple Love (簡單愛) (jian dan ai)
The two English songs that I could remember:
J On my own
J Disney’s Part of your world
Since he's playing our idol's song, I cant help to hum and sing! haha
I dont know if i still lack 2 or 3 songs...but those were the songs that my memory serves me right.